Thank You 2025 Sponsors!

Become a Sponsor

As a nonprofit organization, Village of Lovingston Farmers Market relies on sponsorships, donations, grants and fundraising events to help keep our vendor fees low, as well as support our market operations. More importantly, your sponsorship helps us make sure fresh, healthy foods are accessible to all. Your sponsorship has a positive impact on your community!

Sponsors support economic benefits to local businesses by:

  • Directly supporting local and sustainable farmers and producers.

  • An increase in dollars spent in local businesses on market days and beyond.

  • Continuing investment in Lovingstons’s downtown area.

  • The Multiplier Effect: dollars spent locally stay in our community and stimulate our local economy

  • A rich set of promotional, marketing, and co-branding opportunities

Partner with Village of Lovingston Farmers Market to provide:

  • Access to local, healthy, and sustainably grown food.

  • An enriched sense of community for those living in the Lovingston area and beyond.

  • New opportunities for the market to engage a broader customer base through education and outreach

2024 Sponsors